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Boning of beef leg in Lubeck

Hello colleagues from Lubeck!

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A butcher is a person who may slaughter animals, dress their flesh, sell their meat, or participate within any combination of these three tasks. They may prepare standard cuts of meat and poultry for sale in retail or wholesale food establishments. A butcher may be employed by supermarkets, grocery stores, butcher shops and fish markets, slaughter houses, or may be self-employed.

Butchery is an ancient trade, whose duties may date back to the domestication of livestock; its practitioners formed guilds in England as far back as 1272. Since the 20th century, many countries and local jurisdictions offer trade certifications for butchers in order to ensure quality, safety, and health standards but not all butchers have formal certification or training. Trade qualification in English speaking countries is often earned through an apprenticeship although some training organisations also certify their students. In Canada, once a butcher is trade qualified, they can learn to become a master butcher (Fleishmaster).

Standards and practices of butchery differ between countries, regions and ethnic groups. Variation with respect to the types of animals that are butchered as well as the cuts and parts of the animal that are sold depends on the types of foods that are prepared by the butcher’s customers.

Butchery is a traditional line of work. In the industrialized world, slaughterhouses use butchers to slaughter the animals, performing one or a few of the steps repeatedly as specialists on a semi automated disassembly line. The steps include stunning (rendering the animal incapacitated), exsanguination (severing the carotid or brachial arteries to facilitate blood removal), skinning (removing the hide or pelt) or scalding and dehairing (pork), evisceration (removing the viscera) and splitting (dividing the carcass in half longitudinally).

After the carcasses are chilled (unless “hot-boned”), primary butchery consists of selecting carcasses, sides, or quarters from which primal cuts can be produced with the minimum of wastage; separating the primal cuts from the carcass; trimming primal cuts and preparing them for secondary butchery or sale; and storing cut meats. Secondary butchery involves boning, trimming and value-adding of primal cuts, in preparation for sale. Historically, primary and secondary butchery were performed in the same establishment, but the advent of methods of preservation (vacuum packing) and low cost transportation has largely separated them.

In parts of the world, it is common for butchers to perform many or all of the butcher’s duties. Where refrigeration is less common, these skills are required to sell the meat of slaughtered animals.Screenshot 20210309 202822 Brave

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Butchers cutting pork

How the butchers work on the pork cutting section!

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AmberShow 1

AmberShow 1 is the first video in the form of an entertainment show in the Show category.

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Butcher Show Video (AmberShow 2)

Amber Show 2 is the second video produced by Amberlif BV in the form of an entertaiment show.

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The job is the gold bracelet!

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Meat Cutter / Butcher

 We are looking for new colleagues who know the job of butcher.

The working hours are 8 hours/day from Monday to Friday.

Remuneration starts from 10 euro/hour and continues up to 14,50 euro/hour.

For more information please call the number displayed +31684148467 or email [email protected].

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Ai fost preluat de abator – de acum, totul va fi bine?

Salarii mai mari, condiții mai bune, sporuri, prime, zile de concediu… Toate acestea se stabilesc printr-un contract colectiv de muncă.
La Westfleisch se vor negocia noi contracte colective. Vrem să discutăm cu voi despre noile condiții de muncă, ce obiective putem atinge împreună și să răspundem întrebărilor voastre!
Sunteți plătiți corect de când ați fost preluați? Ați fost încadrați în grupa corectă de salarizare? Ce probleme există? Care sunt solicitările voastre și dorințele pentru viitor?
Sindicatul NGG, Faire Mobilität și Arbeit und Leben NRW vă invită la un evenimet informativ online, cu tema: “Contractele colective de muncă”
Consiliere în limba română, prin Facebook Live: miercuri, 3 martie, de la ora 17:00.
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