As is know, in times of crisis some win and others lose.
The company Amberlif had a big gain from the crisis caused by Covid-19. Many companies suffered bankruptcy in the period 2019-2023 and this created a gap in the market after which the small companies that had a more solid base experienced a 10 times higher than at the beginning of the crisis.
Thanks to the client group and collaboration companies, the Amberlif company experienced an 8-fold increase in the period 2019-2024 after the merger with the Romainian company JustMeat S.R.L.
After this merger, the company will increase its turnover from 800,000-2,000,000 euros in the years 2019-2023 to 11,500,000-13,500,000 euros in 2024, which means a total increase of approximately 15 times until the end of 2024.
Moreover, the crypto shares of the company had ATH on 22.10.2023, meaning an increse of 7,000%, the price being 0.00011083$/unit since launch and a MarketCap. of 1,100,000$.